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(Reprints of original emails.) To: "Underground Visions Records...snip... com>, MSpoddig@ascap.com From: Chylon Subject: Re: I DISPUTE ASCAP'S STATEMENT Cc: local389@afm.org,dgabriel@afm.org,cmoore@afm.org Diane, As you know, I have been biting my tongue for months with respect to this issue that you’ve been discussing with MSpoddig of that Damned Lying and Thieving, Contemptible Organization known as ASCAP! You are nothing more than another VICTIM of the Liars and Thieves of ASCAP and MSpoddig is nothing more than an abject incompetent and/or an Accessory to those Liars and Thieves. It should be imprison-able to commit such Lies and Thievery – but with the full approval of the court (as General Bobby Farrell and Vandor Music Group has stated for years on the VMG website – see http://www.vmgworldwide.com/fullsite.htm), it won’t happen. I quote directly from the ASCAP website (see http://www.ascap.com/about/ascapadvantage.html) “ASCAP collects significantly more money from music users for performing rights than any other organization in the world. Every penny we collect, less operating costs, is distributed to our members. Nearly 86¢ of each dollar we collect goes right back to our members in royalties. That is the highest distribution ratio in the U.S.” And yet, MSpoddig has no clue about any monies collected from Satellite Channels and/or their Affiliates who’ve used your music for profit (see A HREF="http://www.atlantic-satellite.com">http://www.atlantic-satellite.com for a very comprehensive list of channels monitored) for years. This means that she and ASCAP are clearly lying – either they aren’t collecting the funds from these users as they claim and/or collecting the funds and not distributing the money as they claim to do! ASCAP's and BMI's claims to pay on BROADCAST monitors only, does not excuse the fact that your music has been, and is still being, HEARD AROUND THE WORLD! MSpoddig is supposed to know about these things because she can read that Damned Lying and Thieving website too. If she doesn’t know, then it is proof that she is abjectly incompetent aka Kak (meaning - Infinitely Unqualified) and/or her hands are tied! This letter should educate her and elucidate the matter and leave her without excuse regarding her disgusting and contemptible Kak incompetence. If her hands are tied, then it is proof that she is an Accessory to their Damned Lies and Thievery because she facilitates and perpetuates it! If the nearly .86 cents of each supposed dollar is to be paid to the songwriters/publishers then clearly the money for those logged performances should be due you. You didn’t get paid because the money was thefted to those in the Pay/Pittance Clique! MSpoddig is doing nothing more than facilitating your issue to re-direct your energies in a false hope that won’t get you paid your rightful due and make you spin your wheels that will go no where in the process – also known as a ‘wild goose chase’! Diane – I know you have performed your material at several venues. By the way, I have performed your material, as well as my own, at several venues. Those venues pay ASCAP (or shall I say ASCAP extorts the money from them) because they use music for profit in their establishments! That issue hasn’t even been addressed in any of your communications. You should be paid for that too, but you haven’t and won’t! Of course, this issue would bring on another myriad of excuses/lies for additional thievery! And again, it will not get you paid your rightful due! Again, quoting from the ASCAP website at http://www.ascap.com/about/ascapadvantage.html, “ASCAP’s books are open to all. ASCAP is the only U.S. performing rights organization to provide full financial disclosure to our members and the public.” And that is a Damned Lie! Bobby Farrell and VMG have asked for those 'disclosures' for years! To no avail. Dennis Sowell asked for them during his attempt to collect, and was REFUSED! Request MSpoddig to have the Liars and Thieves at ASCAP put that full financial disclosure of that information ONLINE so that EVERYONE will be able to see the same information for the looking and not what ASCAP selectively determines that one should see or not! I’m formally requesting that again – the Accessory Liar and Thief and/or Kak (Infinitely Unqualified) Incompetent will receive a copy of this email. Have her and that Damned Lying and Thieving Organization tell the WHOLE story from the absolutely despicable formula (I’ll bet that even MSpoddig cannot figure it out either) that determines the royalty rate, the checks paid and to who, the number of hours monitored, where and when monitored, and the determination of royalty payment to the songwriters and publishers from venues that pay it, the formula used to extort the rate the venues MUST pay the Liars and Thieves to have music in their establishments, etc. – tell the WHOLE FINANCIAL story and put it online so that EVERYONE can see it and get the SAME story at the SAME time for the looking! They extort enough money from venues such as bars and coffeehouses to pay for it and get it done! Either the books are open or they are not! It is a case that these open books would show EXACTLY what Bobby Farrell and VMG has been saying all along that those who do get paid any sizable amounts are Jewish and/or Jewish controlled, with the rest getting tiny pittances, if any, tossed about to everyone else? Of course, MSpoddig could go and ask Marilyn Bergman herself what she told Bobby Farrell about why he didn’t get paid - he is not Jew – Mspoddig’s own innate would confirm the truth should she truly want to know which is doubtful! ***Will there be anyone betting the books showing that Full and Open Disclosure will become available online?*** Then too, since the books are supposedly ‘open’, MSpoddig could go look for herself and find this to be true that only those that are Jewish and/or Jewish controlled get the ‘big bucks’. Those in the ‘pittance’ clique, get ‘just enough’ to keep them at bay! One can only imagine what would happen IF the TRUTH about such Lies and Thievery would come out. ***Side note to all the others who will receive a copy of this email and/or – anyone want to take bets as to what will happen?*** Diane - my advice to you, and everyone else, is to call these Liars and Thieves into account for “Who” and “What” they truly are – Anti-Goyim/Anti-Gentile (derogatory terms used to describe anyone NOT Jewish)! Do NOT let them confuse, confound, distort, obfuscate, twist, alter, or change the truth regarding the issue being Anti-Semitic because it is not and their own supposedly ‘open’ despicable and despise-able records would confirm this truth! Tell everyone you know to request the Full and Formal Disclosure of those supposed open books that are available to members and the public and put them online so that everyone would see the truth too and know it for what it is – Lies and Thievery that should be imprison-able! If they are refused, report it with all documentation to General Bobby Farrell and Vandor Music Group (VMG) at thegeneral@vmgworldwide.com as soon as possible. Their Lies and Thievery will come to court sooner or later. General Farrell and VMG will make sure it gets a full review, if not in the courts, then in the public ears! Of course, IF I am lying, then I would be committing Slander and Defamation as this will be posted on various websites and emailed to everyone I can – see http://www.avmrnetwork.com/LiarAndThief-MSpoddig.html and http://www.vmgworldwide.com/LiarAndThief-MSpoddig.htm along with the link at http://www.vmgworldwide.com/LiarAndThief-Boeser.htm (The Accessory Liar and Thief at BMI assuming he is still there – encourage everyone to read those links too). Tell the Accessory Liar and Thief MSpoddig and that Liar and Thief ASCAP to Sue Me! By the way, the Liars and Thieves at BMI had the same opportunity to sue. And please note – they haven’t sued me, VMG, and/or General Bobby Farrell because the Truth is a PERFECT DEFENSE! Specific to MSpoddig – I make no apologies to you and/or ASCAP for what is contained in this email! You and your Damned Lying and Thieving Organization have stolen MILLIONS of DOLLARS from General Bobby Farrell, Vandor Music Group, Firedragon, our Songwriters and Affiliated Publishers, as well as the thousands of other honest and hard-working individuals that are not affiliated with Vandor Music Group! It is IMPOSSIBLE to keep civil when dealing with SCUM that has committed such atrocities against those who’ve earned them – whether they are Affiliated with Vandor Music Group or NOT! Wouldn’t YOU PERSONALLY want justice and what was right if such wrongs were done to YOU? Of course you would! The difference between us is you’d ‘pass the buck’ and let someone else get dirty in the process! Just like you ‘passed the buck’ to have Diane’s additional music sent to you so you could give it to someone else. Which for most people, gives them false hope that maybe they’ll get paid! It is a despicable and rotten trick that you've perpetrated on people that wastes their time and energy and you Damned well know it! What you’ve done is NOT something that we’ve seen for the first time! That is why we know it is the equivalent of a ‘wild goose chase’ and anyone who believes that you’ll do something right, honest, and honorable, is foolish, because you won’t. You’ll have to do what’s right, honest, and honorable for all and that is something you're not capable of doing! By the way – no one at VMG wants the penny that rightfully belongs to another. All we want is what is and always was rightfully ours! ASCAP, itself, passed the buck to those who’ve received an unrightfully amount of money. ASCAP has made them guilty of receiving stolen money because that money should have been disbursed and distributed to EVERYONE who EARNED it! Those recipients may or may not even KNOW (as in have knowledge of) that is what was done by the SCUM of ASCAP and you are a part of it! It is a crime, whether caught or not, to be the recipient of Stolen Goods/Property, but that is what ASCAP has done to people it has paid wrongfully high amounts! Another way of saying it is ‘passed the buck’ for ASCAP’s guilt! What a dirty scenario that one means! Don’t you agree? Specifically to everyone else who gets a copy of this email. You are encouraged to READ, STUDY, and LEARN the building blocks contained in the links below to find out EXACTLY the justification and foundation for which this email is built on in addition to what is contained in the VMG website! It should make you just as angry for the atrocities committed! By the way, I have Semitic blood running through my veins. My problem is that I'm not Jewish (of the House of Judah) or Levite (of the House of Levi) and I'm affiliated with Bobby Farrell and Vandor Music Group which means I haven't been paid either from the Liars and Thieves from ASCAP or BMI! References: ASCAP http://www.ascap.com/about/ascapadvantage.html BMI http://www.bmi.com “Protocols of Zion” and read them all: http://www.aztlan.net/protocols.htm#preface http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/przion1.htm http://www.adl.org/PresRele/ASUS_12/2615_12.as “Goyim” http://www.faqs.org/faqs/judaism/FAQ/11-Miscellaneous/section-6.html http://library.flawlesslogic.com/goyim.htm http://www.revisionisthistory.org/palestine14.html http://www.radioislam.org/judaism/satank3.htm Look for the coming – “The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned!” At 04:08 PM 4/17/2005, Underground Visions Records re: STIFFFF KITTIES wrote: Maragret, The music you requested should be on it's way, as well as the list of songs from the publisher, FIREDRAGON. Also... I just received ASCAP's statement. Obviously, I dispute it. Besides that...I'm furious. I'm thinking a press release is in order...with a title like "ASCAP STIFFFFS THE STIFFFF KITTIES!!!". I understand and appreciate that you are trying to help me, but in turn must understand what it must be like to be in my shoes. When I saw that statement...grrrrrrrrrr!!! extremely upset! Diane D Meinke Visit the Official Stiffff Kitties Web Site & preview the bands animation videos: http://www.stiffffkitties.com |
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Since new count began, 22 April 2008.