Crack pot scenarios of 'music industry' Bulletin Boards! |
There are many honest, and very sincere people who are regulars on music industry bbs, all looking for some way to break through the industry's heavily armored doors. To those with open minds - that see what they look at - hear what was said - and read what is written - we dedicate this entire site. The fact this Best Of All Industries is overloaded with so many Idiot Elements and paranoids it's impossible to avoid them, does not excuse endorsing them or accepting their stupidities even in the most-public of forums. Especially 'music industry' bulletin boards. Don't take anybody's word that anything you've never encountered is a 'scam', check it out for yourself! And if it doesn't make sound BUSINESS sense, avoid it like the plague. First, note that Birds of a Feather flock together! In recorded music the Stars congregate here, the Power Brokers (who actually get things done) congregate there, the wannabes congregate yonder, and the losers infest and infect every place they're allowed access to. THAT is what you will find spewing their stupidities like 'experts from afar' on all these sites: LOSERS who are all mouth and nothing else. You can spot them a mile away. When anybody comes aboard that REALLY KNOWS anything that doesn't infinitely rubber-stamp all their stupidities, idiocies, delusions and paranoias, they are the flamers who blast off with all fury intact, making all manner of idiotic statements, false and phony 'charges'; all of which are totally irrelevant to the subject at hand; to enforce their jackass opinion that everyone they scream against is a 'scam'. And they always start by expressing their stupidities in exactly the same manner: Asking stupid questions that are clearly explained in the news release, site, et cetera, as if the entire content and an expanded version of the Encyclopedia Britannica should be posted on the bb, knowing damned well there isn't room! But then 'they-were-only-asking-simple-questions' ... that READING THE DAMNED INFO FROM ITS SOURCE WOULD CLEARLY HAVE ANSWERED! It never ceases to amaze all intelligent people how the spewers can read the entire VMG site - all 176 articles and third-party documentations - in less than five minutes when it takes damned good readers about FOUR HOURS to read the main sheets through ONCE! We advise those who intend to spend their LIFE in this Best Of All Industries to at least spend those FOUR HOURS in learning more about this business than they already have in their lifetime to this point. Once they KNOW what the hell they're doing, and WHY, along with WHAT TO AVOID, scams and all, they're a whole lot better prepared to take their best shot with which ever company offers them the RIGHT deal. Without any track record or industry credits of their own, the Idiot Element will rant and rave demands the KNOWER produce a gene-test of every Known Name and Super Star in the entire history of entertainment and present a claim that THEY are the sole and exclusive entity of responsibility for that success! Nothing less will do the Idiot Element, the KNOWER - all by themselves - had to discover, change-the-diapers, develop, change-the-diapers, produce, change-the-diapers, promote, change-the-diapers, distribute, change-the-diapers, license, change-the-diapers, publish, change-the-diapers, and finance - during potty-training, - ALL the known entertainers since the first campfire dancer of the stone age, and then of course, pay that artist every penny returned without any concern whatsoever for the costs incurred in doing business! They are just THAT stupid! When the KNOWER eats the Idiot Element's lunch (always in no uncertain terms) and slams their asses into the realities of this Best Of All Industries: and the Idiot Element's stupidity becomes glaringly apparent to all but the most abject mentally deficient, the idiots always resort to 'racism'. It never fails! In the spewings of the Idiot Elements, every KNOWER is always a 'racist' of some sort, anti-black, anti-semite, anti-dog, anti-cat, anti-fence post, anti-sunspot, anti-pine cone, anti-dead fish, anti-rusty can, anti-sidewalk, anti-toilet paper, anti-lawn grass, anti-thumbtack, anti-popcorn, anti-mailbox, anti-used truck bumper, or some kind of bigot just on general principals; regardless of justifications for retaliating against - and calling into account - those few slime elements who instigated the abuse. Bank on it. It's only a matter of time in any thread. Then of course, when the racists idiocies don't work, either with us or the intelligent readers, the next sure and certain step is 'cultist'! Never fails. We have a POOL at VMG as to how many posts from the spewers until they invariably come up with the 'racist', 'cultist' or site 'appearance' clearly documenting 'scam'. Can you imagine anyone being so brainless as to claim the appearance of a site is evidence of a 'scam'? If that were the case, 90% of the Idiot Element would be doing life without parole! Take a look as just a few of their sites - and if YOU were the Judge - how many years would you give them to swat flies in the garbage dump? At least you'll find out how absolutely brainless the Idiot Element really is. And for the record, at VMG we attempt to keep the site and pages as simple and technically clean as possible to insure those with limited internet access (some countries are still on 600 baud!) such as webtv can load our pages. Of course, such consideration is always over the head of all Idiot Elements and their ilk. The appalling part is, they always have the absolute support of the 'moderators' - who are as brainless as the spewers. It's really fun to watch when the KNOWER takes these jackasses apart bit by bit, and the 'moderators' (who have no other claim to fame either) have to jump in and 'defend' their 'member' Idiot Elements against this 'scam' KNOWER! They're all self-appointed 'protectors' of this great industry, without one twit of industry accomplishment, expertise, or authority to do anything more than spew their ignorance, stupidities and paranoias. AND ONLY ABJECT FOOLS JUST LIKE THEM, BELIEVE OR ADHERE TO SO MUCH AS ONE WORD OUT OF EITHER THE IDIOT ELEMENTS OR THEIR PROTECTING MODERATORS! And those abject fools; like the Idiot Elements whose stupidities they swallow hook, line, sinker, bait and bucket; will NEVER get one single viable Industry Credit! Not a one. This Best Of All Industries will get along very well without their contaminations, just like it has since day one. The simple cure is to READ and not 'skim'; READ and not 'assume'; READ and LEARN! Or be prepared to fail all your life due to your own ignorance which now - because you refuse that very sound advice - has become stupidity! The final option of the 'moderators' - who don't READ either - is to post their final spews of nonsense and THEN BLOCK THE KNOWER's ACCESS TO PREVENT THE KNOWER FROM EXPOSING THAT STUPIDITY TOO! That's what happened to mp3.jackass, Velvet Rope, HomeRecording, Just Plain Folks and now Harmony Central. It's no surprise, it's their only option to 'have the last word the KNOWER couldn't dispute' in the eyes of the fools who don't know the KNOWER was blocked from being able to reply. And how many of the fools ever question to see if this is the case? NONE! And THAT is why most of them will remain fools all their lives. The other class of boneheads are those who always have the latest in socialist programming, 'tone it down', 'protest too much', and all other such milquetoast, week kneed, willy nilly and 'oh, whine' commentaries. They are as dangerous to follow as the most dedicated Idiot Element. Why? Because this industry is the roughest and sharpest steel of all, and nothing of a cream puff mentality survives in it! Wimp along if you want, just expect to be eaten alive. That fact is - and you will never find it on any bb except under full attack by creditless Idiot Elements - to get anywhere in this world, and especially in entertainment, those who succeed would rather have the most brutal TRUTH than the most candy-coated lie! And that TRUTH is the one thing neither Idiot Elements nor their protecting moderators can afford to have the membership know! It's the end of their audience who sit obediently while the 'protectors' hold court. And they all damned well know it. We had to laugh at being blocked by JustPlainFolks, here's the evidence: ![]() We were also blocked from posting on Velvet Rope. The reason is shown in their display. ![]() We weren't aware of Velvet Rope's PSYCHIC abilities, since we hadn't posted anything! Great anti-goyim (anti-gentile), don't you think? I personally caught mp3.jackass personnel in a series of FOUR lies, and called the bastards on all of them! In the process of getting Tiffany Barjackass canned, I also caught Phil Frazier in the mix - and he was innocent of anything other than defending Tiffany in his ignorance. Always regretted that, but such are the realities of this Industry: support a fool, and you're a fool; support a liar, and YOU can't be trusted either. THAT reality makes it hard to understand why the moderators won't demand ABSOLUTE PROOF of charges of 'scam' or 'anti-semite' of which Harmony Central is the latest KAK-JEW contributor! Produce a VICTIM! Produce a Court Record, they're on-line! Produce SOMETHING besides spewing poppycock of losers who couldn't play with themselves, let alone music! And at VMG and in my own personal case,THEY CAN'T BECAUSE THERE AREN'T ANY! Try to understand this: the 'moderators' will spare no effort to protect a crackpot - and spare no effort to defame and limit anyone with a viable Track Record! VMG has earned well over 10,000 Gold and Platinum Plaques covering every Field of Music in the Industry ... and according to the Idiot Element, we're the 'crooks', the 'scam', et cetera ... denying their members the very OPEN DOOR they lure them there for in the first place! We really have to laugh. And we DO NOT feel sorry for the fools who accept the bbs spewer's totally non-existent 'expertise'! The fact VMG does business with Jew and Jewish people from all over the world - all of whom are appalled by the antics of ASCAP, BMI and SESAC, never seems to cross those idiot element's minds. What the intelligent reader WILL find, is our Global Track Record of air play, Foreign and Domestic licensing capability out the kazoo, a name list of Artists to curl your hair, and hundreds of Gold and Platinum Records! But these crackpot 'moderators' can't afford to have their members FIND OUT HOW ... to get their music, performances, productions, labels, publishing companies, et cetera, INTO THE REAL WORLD OF RECORDED MUSIC! their days of god-playing would be over! Now here's one for the ASCAP/BMI/SESAC 'defenders'. ![]() Solid PLATINUM AIR, and "no surveyed performances"! Enjoy the rest of the site. The links below are a good place to start. ![]() ![]() ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, Liars And Thieves, Documentation, The First! The Damned Lies of ASCAP, BMI and SESAC notwithstanding! ![]() ![]() ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, Liars And Thieves, Documentation, The Second! The Damned Lies of ASCAP, BMI and SESAC notwithstanding! ![]() ![]() The TRUTH about ASCAP's anti-Goyim (anti-Gentile) antics and practices! The Damned Lies of ASCAP, BMI and SESAC notwithstanding! ![]() ![]() The background documentation of ASCAP's anti-Goyim (anti-Gentile) RACIAL practices AGAINST General Bobby Farrell and all VMG Affiliates! The Damned Lies of ASCAP, BMI and SESAC notwithstanding! ![]() ![]() More documentation of anti-Goyim (anti-Gentile) RACIAL practices AGAINST General Bobby Farrell and all VMG Affiliates! This time by All! The Damned Lies of ASCAP, BMI and SESAC notwithstanding! ![]() ![]() Every known release by one of music's most innovative of the early labels! The Damned Lies of ASCAP, BMI and SESAC notwithstanding! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Since new count began, 22 April 2008.