![]() ![]() BOBBY FARRELL Presented by The Akurians. This is an unauthorized publication of known, indisputable facts about a Living Legend! It is incomplete, and contains many facts outside the Entertainment Industry where Bobby Farrell has been a force to be reckoned with for decades. Many Special THANKS to all those who provided First-Hand Information about this amazing Gentleman. Singer, Songwriter, Recording Artist, Band Leader, Broadcaster, Model, Actor, Record Producer, Booking Agent, Concert Tour Director & Producer, Music Publisher, Promoter, Licenser, Distributor, Production Studio Owner/Operator, Show Producer, Night Club Owner/Operator, Sound Engineer, Lighting Director, Artist &: Road Manager, Pressing Plant Foreman, Printer, Graphics Art Director, Disc Jockey, Radio Talk Master, Program/Music Director, and that's just a few of his Entertainment Credits! If it has to do with Recorded Music and Entertainment, Bobby Farrell has been there and made a success of each and every venture. His honesty and integrity are exceeded only by his expertise. He founded BFM Enterprises at Dayton, Ohio, in 1959, and built it into one of the surviving Super Seven General Licensers that promote, manufacture and distribute records and motion pictures, videos, CDs and DVDs world wide! It should come as no surprise that his Vandor Motion Pictures, PhonoRecords and Music Publishing Group is the only one of that Super Seven that isn't in debt! He also is a Master Metaphysician, an accomplished Novelist, Globe Trotter (he helped measure the earth [IGY July 1957-December 1958] with Team II 1959-1966), Inventor, Scalar Scientist, Political and Civil Rights Activist, and Firearms Handling Expert. Below are just a few of his accomplishments: ![]() Ordained Minister and Commissioned Officer (Leftenant) at 14! The Pathfinders Mission/Rescue Order's Highest Decorated! Knighted twice! Order of the Golden Rose and Knights of the Throne of Israel! Born clairvoyant, foresaw: many World War II Battles in 1940!; Korean War in 1945! - Vietnam War in 1950! Osage, WV, Christopher Coal Mine Explosion, May 12th, 1942, two days before!; Death of Franklin Roosevelt in 1943!; Death of Joseph Stalin in 1947! Years before the actual events! St. Petersburg, Florida SKYWAY BRIDGE DISASTER a full year before! Elected to the International Performing Arts Society HALL OF FAME - 1948 Winning their prestigious Award of Excellence and Award of Performance (King of the Ballad Singers.) The third Entertainer ever so honored during their lifetime, Edith Piaf and Mario Lanza being the other two. Railroaded into prison by the Masonic Lodge (Richmond IN, 1962), the death toll of His Justified Revenge is still mounting! Anointed Holy Witness of This Generation of Fire, June 27th, 1962! An absolute, consistently verifiable, Spiritual Truth that terrifies hallelujah half-wits, thieves, politicians, preachers and other liars! Commissioned a Kentucky Colonel for Lifetime Meritorious Service to the Recorded Music and Entertainment Industries, on the 18th of June in the Year of 1996, the 205th Year of the Commonwealth by His Excellency Paul E. Patton, Governor, Commonwealth of Kentucky. Honored with the Legendary Leadership Award 1996 by Airplay International, Nashville, Tennessee "For Your Professional Guidance and Untiring Dedication to New and Aspiring Artists." and Honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award 1997 by Airplay International, Nashville, Tennessee "For Reaching and Surpassing The Goals Of Success Within The Music Industry." and Honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award 1997 by The Greater Southern Country Music Association. Honored with the Industry Leadership Award 1999 by Airplay International, Nashville, Tennessee for "Your Dedication in the Field of Music & Entertainment" ![]() Creating his own label, BFM, and BFM Enterprises for administration and support in 1959 at Dayton, Ohio, as result of not being able to secure a contract with any of the then-majors, he parlayed his small studio into one of the Master Distributors of the day. Two things had to happen at the same time: quality manufacture (in those days too, a real budget-buster) and promotion that actually got through the doors! The entire industry was in the grips of the power-grabbers, all the Major Labels trying to get rid of all the Indies, and distribution itself became a bought-service with virtually all doors closed and locked against the Indies. To cut things down to size, he created the Bobby Farrell International Network (BFIN), both to syndicate programs and to deliver promocopies and follow-up of new and re-released records. Then he took on the distribution problem, contracting district wholesalers across the nation and in Canada and Mexico. With BFIN dedicated to promotion and BFM Enterprises dedicated to manufacture, delivery and administration, the 20-hour days and pouring every penny back into the business began to pay off. The current list of Artists BFIN has helped to achieve world wide air play is listed in the VMG World Wide site. Currently, 2008, it exceeds 3,600 Artists in every known Field of Music. That is better than an Artist a day for every working day over the past TEN YEARS! Keeping the distribution doors open, even to hip-pocket labels, required the time and experience to wade through the paranoids - to whom anybody who doesn't finance them instantly and on-the-spot is a 'crook' - and industry-ignorants who still confuse years of playing gin mills with being record experts. Learning to ignore the perpetual the-indies-are-going-to-unite-and-take-on-the-majors scenarios, he packaged his services to accommodate those who are serious about CORRECT promotion, distribution, manufacture and licensing. In today's market, that means world wide from start to finish. General Bobby Farrell's best advice to all is: "NEVER take advice from those who have never done it themselves! Taking advice about recorded music from people who have: NEVER made a record; NEVER published a record; NEVER promoted a record; NEVER charted a record; NEVER distributed a record; NEVER licensed a record; NEVER manufactured a record; NEVER ran a Record Label; NEVER ran a Music Publishing Company; and NEVER did anything else in recorded music IS ABOUT AS IDIOTIC AS ANYONE CAN GET!" General Bobby Farrell NEVER sits in judgement of anyone's 'talent' or lack of it. Nobody really knows what the public will - or will not - accept at the buy-it/don't-buy-it bottom line, and anyone who sits themselves in such judgement (auditioners, critiquers, et cetera) is either a self-appointed fool, a con-artist, or both. General Farrell puts the music through the doors to make it available, and lets the market run its course. Win, lose, or draw, the client knows where they are with respect to commercial acceptability, and can make their own decisions from there. And, done Vandor Music Group's way, without blowing the budget at the outset, leaving time and money to make any necessary changes. Simple as that. It took the intellect of General Bobby Farrell to strip the nonsense from Recorded Music, and make even the con-games apparent, to all who want a Career in Entertainment. Nobody else, person, label, producer, promoter, publisher, or even General Licenser, has published and maintained the true and accurate information across the board about recorded music and entertainment, and how these industries REALLY work! Nobody. Don't think so? Then check their sites for such information! Virtually all the so-called 'how-to' music industry books on the market are written by people who NEVER made a record in their lives either - and cannot show ONE Artist who ever "made it" by following the advice in their crack-pot 'books'. And THAT says a lot on behalf of General Bobby Farrell. ![]() In the early 40s, WMMN, Fairmont, West Virginia, had a Saturday Night cow-opera known as the Sage Brush Roundup, broadcast live from the Fairmont Armory. The station was a bit of a rarity, having three co-phased antennas atop Tower Hill at Monongah, and at the time a clear channel as nobody was on the air at 920,000 kilocycles. That combination threw a signal far and wide, especially at night. All this combined to make the Sage Brush Roundup a Saturday night Hillbilly Music staple from Nova Scotia to South Texas and as wide as the entire Eastern Seaboard, Atlantic Ocean, and westward to Washington State, sometimes even to ships out in the Pacific. That exposure brought many established and rising Stars to WMMN, Skyland Scotty, Cowboy Luie, Granpa Jones, Little Jimmy Dickens, Hawkshaw Hawkins, Cowboy Copas, Skeets McDonald, Junie Lou, Blue Bonnet Girls, Rosalee Allan, among others over the years. And among those others were a duet of girls, Colleen and Donna Wilson, from Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, managed by the formidable "Howard BUDDY Mack". At WMMN, Colleen and Donna were known as "The Beaver Valley Sweethearts", the Beaver Valley, Pennsylvania, connection. Under the hand of Buddy Mack, they were the female half of Billy Vaughn's famed "Pine Toppers" who recorded the legendary "Mocking Bird Hill". The song became so popular that Red Skelton took it for his radio program theme song and kept it when he moved to television, even though he wrote classical music on par with the greatest classical composers who ever lived! Colleen and Donna eventually went on to WLS, Chicago's National Barn Dance as "The Wilson Sisters", and remained one of the shows favorite acts until it's very end. Obviously, Buddy Mack knew what he was doing! Scouting for musicians to wrap Colleen and Donna in their own sound, the name of Bobby's oldest brother, the now late Howard "Shorty" Cunningham (Shorty Howard, in later years) came up. Even though he was in his teens, he was a natural born musician and singer. But with a know-it-all ego that kept him out of the spotlight virtually all his life. Bobby hadn't turned six years old at the time, early 1942. Following the Saturday night show, that went off the air at midnight, most of the Roundup artists and musicians happened to congregate to James (Jim) and Beulah Cunningham's home (the parents of Shorty and Bobby) for an all-night beer party. Nothing new during the dark days of World War II, giving Buddy Mack a chance to review and consider Shorty as a band member for the rising starlets. It took Buddy Mack about three seconds to realize he could use Shorty's talent, but there was no way this side of hell he could use Shorty! So he sat back, listened and observed, mostly wannabes from the Roundup wanting to take advantage of being in that sure and certain going-somewhere band. But history was about to intervene ... The music woke Bobby, and he came downstairs to the party. Like any other toddler, and being very small for his age, Bobby went to the first woman who reached out to pick him up, Donna Wilson. In Donna's lap, while some of the other women put a breakfast together, and with Colleen playing guitar, they coaxed Bobby into singing with them. Buddy Mack's eyes blinked wide open, in shock and surprise he bit the end off his ever-present cigar, and in three or four minutes motioned for Jim Cunningham to join him outside for a breath of air. Striking a hand-shake deal for the time being, they agreed to permit Buddy Mack to take on Little Bobby as an artist. Since Bobby had been born sickly for the era, he was too small for his age, and under that guise Buddy Mack offered to provide whatever medical attention and treatment that should be required out of his own pocket. The guise cum deception was necessary. Big mouths destroy more projects once they're in motion than just about anything else other than industry ignorance and paranoia. Between Beulah's hatefulness and Shorty's jealousy, measures to keep the deal from both of them were critical. Then hell happened. The following May 12th, 1942, the Osage Mine exploded killing 56 men, two of them Jim's brothers Artie and Homer, and a third, a nephew, Harold "Ronnie" Murphy. It was also the final point for Jim to try and save at least one of his children from the dangers of coal mining. He signed the contract with Buddy Mack for Bobby's musical career. Buddy Mack chose a stage-name for the youngster, taking his nickname, Bobby, from Robert, and changing the second letter of his middle name, Ferrell, to an "a", and then because of his diminutive size, adding the "Little". Little Bobby Farrell was to become a rage and a dichotomy at the same time. Within weeks, Jim found work at Four States, and moved the family there. Also at Four States was a man by the name of Leon Gray, who in the earlier years had played zither with the famed "Hudie LEADBELLY Ledbetter". The close proximity would be used to full advantage. Leadbelly, always in need of a good attorney, filled the bill to the brim for Buddy Mack's plans, he was hired to teach Little Bobby Farrell to play guitar. An influence that still pervades in the unique sound of Bobby's guitar playing. Later, the family would move from Four states' Tank Hill (where the original water tanks had been located) to Shanty Hill (the oldest of the Company Houses) directly in front of Leon and Lillian Gray's home. That made it just about perfect for musical training. Protective of his young charge and a very dangerous man to offend, Leadbelly took Bobby into places where the Black Culture was seldom seen by White eyes. It left a lasting impression on Bobby, the needless poverty, the programmed ignorance, the injustice and outright abuse. None of that sat well with the youth who could do little about it at the time. But he would know the atrocities, and he would learn who the manipulators were, and in his day and time he would avenge every second and every penny of it. After a long summer and fall of training, rehearsals and hours of practice, Bobby made his first Public Appearance on Saturday night, December 5th, 1942, at WMMN's Sage Brush Roundup. Up in Colleen's arms with Donna playing guitar with Jake Taylor's band in support, they sang the A.P. Carter standard "I'll Be All Smiles Tonight", and tore the house down! Buddy Mack had been right! The child was a natural given proper support. And this party was just beginning Buddy Mack loaned the company he had formed with himself and Bobby, a whopping $10,000.00 to finance the boy's career. THAT was a lot of money in that day and age, and is still nothing to be sneezed at. It paid for all the trials and errors of musicians, music, equipment, time, travel and logistics. Eventually it covered the costs of Bobby's first recording, "Harbor Lights" on Cozy records (February 6th, 1943); the excursions to get sponsorship and a network radio show on the Elkstrom Radio Network and a television program anchored at WDTV, Channel 1 (that's right, ONE), Pittsburgh (the old DuMont Network). Recording costs money, promotion costs money, equipment and facilities costs money, radio air time costs money, and supplies - such as transcription blanks - costs money, and Buddy Mack squeezed every penny as required by sound business principals. Some of the network was carried by wire, some of it by transcriptions, which had to be recorded live and processed for mailing in a suitable time frame. Usually no more than five days, generally three, or the show would be outdated and useless. An impressive string of records followed, and a series of shows with virtually every working Artist of the era. There was even a consideration for Bobby to play a comic book 'hero', Kid Cowboy, in a series of cliff-hanger movies. Those who had control over the filming suffered some real crack-pot ideas about the character, and Buddy Mack and Bobby Farrell turned it down. Within a few months the comic book series folded too, and now is a collector's item. The hardest lesson for all entertainers and producers alike to learn is: business is business, and avoidable mistakes should NEVER be permitted. Had Bobby taken the roll under the idiotic terms of the character demanded by the producers, he would have been a laughing stock in the eyes of both the industry and the public. There was too much financial investment in him as a performer to permit that to happen. Money and Management were, and still are, the secrets to success. Both are the all-pervading theme of every conversation between music industry people and Bobby, and will not change. The network exposure gave Bobby some vast opportunities, not only for his own music but to break other working Artists such as the King Cole Trio (Nat King Cole), Frank Sinatra, Ernest Tubb, Duke Ellington, Jo Stafford, Hank Williams, Sr., Dick Haymes, Elton Britt, Helen Traubel, Lena Horne, Vic Damone, Bill Monroe, Mantovani, Doc & Chickie Williams, Mark Durbin, Ink Spots, Chordettes, Eddy Arnold, Patti Page, Benny Goodman, Gene Autry, Sarah Vaughan, Desi Arnez, Roy Rogers & Dale Evans, Georgia Gibbs, Jack Smith, Red Foley, Teresa Brewer, Stan Kenton, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong, Rex Allen, Mario Lanza, Kay Starr, Frankie Laine, Joe "Fingers" Carr, Catherine Grayson, Tex Ritter, Cab Calloway, Helen O'Connell, Marty Robbins, Bing Crosby, Doris Day, Jim Reeves, Elvis Presley, Patsy Cline ... and the list goes on ... and on ... and on ... Bobby has remained active in Broadcasting since the earliest days of his career. Artists need exposure as long as they are Artists, and General Bobby Farrell still provides radio promotion to established and new-comer Artists, Songwriters, Producers, Labels and Publishers just like he did from his earliest years. One thing that has never changed since the very beginning of artistic performance, is the fact that performances MUST reach as many people as possible. Today the prime and solid media to do that are radio and television, with radio the initial proving ground. A lesson never quite learned by some who venture into recorded music and entertainment. The sponsorship money from Duquesne Brewing Company, Bernardo Bakeries and Tri-State Motors, permitted many shows with many names (who picked up road expenses, mostly off the books), and who needed the work, the money and the exposure. Who got Top-Billing was more a matter of "whose money" than anything else, but Buddy Mack would play the hottest name for the venue area everytime. Radio and those sponsored Live Performances became the foundation for many of the Gold and Platinum Plaques in Bobby Farrell's authorization. The money also accorded Buddy Mack and Bobby Farrell to explore new sounds, new arrangements, and new tactics as the market changed. Experience that proved beyond price. Experience that is still available from General Bobby Farrell to all those with enough sense to use it. Bobby's home, the Red Wood Castle, burned in August 1954, shortly after his father's death on March 8th. The loss of thousands of unplayed collector's item recordings, all the motion pictures, cinegraphs, photos, memorabilia and over 2,000 firearms (some dating back to the Revolutionary and Civil Wars) letters and diaries, is immeasurable. The stage costumes, instruments and equipment were quickly replaced. The four 12-Pound Napoleon cannon that lined either side of the driveway were given to various Historical Preservation Societies. The disaster was the beginning of a complete change for Bobby Farrell, one filled with hard lessons and accomplishments he had never even dreamed of. He head-lined his last Concert Performance at Bayfront Center Theatre, St. Petersburg, Florida, in 1974, a benefit for the Mental Health Association as a special favor to old friend Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin. You remember him. He was the Lunar Landing Module Pilot who landed Neil Armstrong and himself on the moon 'way back in 1969! "Tranquility Base here, the Eagle has landed", remember that? They had the money, the brains and the talent to buy Super Stardom, and chose not to. There was a far more important agenda. An agenda that would shake the world. Either into its senses or into another Dark Ages with the general masses too ignorant to know it. And to this end, all the previous events, adventures and experiences had set the stage. ![]() The Reverend Doctor Lord Grand Marshal General Sir Bobby Farrell is far less pretentious than his long-winded Titles. He cares little for pomp and circumstance and even less for those who insist on it! Upon being promoted to Brigadier General, Pathfinders, June 1st, 1968, and Chief of Staff the next day: he instituted an instant end to all evangelizing in Pathfinder uniform; ordered the elimination of some 714 volumes of accumulated 'doctrine'; and began a two year clean-up of The Holy Order; formally known as "The Brotherhood of Service", becoming militarily structured as a matter of organization in 1946, and re-named PATHFINDERS - in General Farrell's opinion, "...the absolute act of asininity in the history of The Order ...". The Military Order of Pathfinders, a militarily structured Mission/Rescue Order chartered under the Anointed of God Assembly, had once been a service-oriented organization affiliated with various churches and denominations. Founded in 1900 (or there about), it had become a tool for the self-appointed 'ministers' to expound 'their' version of religion. The young Brigadier General Bobby Farrell made ending such hypocrisy his first priority. Well, after he eliminated all those whose conduct and mentality leaned toward or advocated the violent over-throw of the United States Government. Not that he approves of the blatant government-sponsored murders of honest citizens such as at Ruby Ridge and Waco, or government's many High Treasons such as NAFTA, GATT and many so-called 'foreign trade' agreements, it's just that he has The Supreme Bigger Hammer from which none can escape! The process of clean-up was simple. Under such conditions abuse of Rank and Office were rampant. Taking a point from President Harry Truman who had a sign on his desk that said "The Buck Stops Here", General Farrell had a desk sign made that said "The Buck Better Not Get This Far!" And the fun was just beginning. Brigadier General Bobby Farrell issued Direct Orders to the effect that: any abuses were to be reported to the abuser's next highest in command, regardless of rank. Whoever that was had only twenty four hours to have the situation corrected in normal times and only eight hours in times of crisis. Failure to correct then and there justified the abused to jump the entire Chain of Command and report the situation directly to General Farrell! A very effective, but non-military, process. But it stopped the stonewalling, primarily because General Farrell would not permit anyone on staff to withhold such presentations from him, and handled them himself! It is NEVER a good idea to get the boss' attention for the wrong reason! Needless to say, when any such situation landed on General Farrell's desk, somebody's braid was on the line! No 'ifs', no 'ands', no 'but's, and no 'maybes'. Somebody was going to get busted, relieved of command, et cetera, immediately and without further adieu. Chewings (rectum reamings, as they are called in the Holy Order) were sure and certain, and ALWAYS accompanied with loss of rank, and as often as not, Office of Command as well. The highest rank to the lowest rank of who ever was found to be at fault was busted on the spot, and that included the complainant if the charges were proven false! An entire Chain of Command could be SPOT-BUSTED if the situation warranted. And initially, it often did! It only took TWO major episodes (and several dozen minor ones!) - busting General Officers in the process - and such abuses and stonewallings abruptly ended. "The Gideon Syndrome" set in among those who could no longer use The Holy Order for their own ends or abuse their Powers of Office. Their elimination from the ranks improved both the morale and operations of the Corps in quantum leaps. The mission/rescue endeavors of the Pathfinders became the Prime Objective, as originally intended. And the nonsense stopped! Further, elimination of all racists, regardless of their calling, sent a clear and very appropriate message to all who remained. The young General had made enemies. But he'd been in Recorded Music and Entertainment most of his life, so he was used to jealousy, stupidity, ignorance, back-stabbing and paranoia. He'd also been in one Hell of a Fight with government, so he fully understood god-playing on government payroll. There's little difference between the two: governments are totally corrupt and entertainment only has its share of thieves. General Farrell further ordered that all Pathfinders, regardless of rank, must be self-supporting (except for the disabled and minor children) and could not live off or out of the resources of any Congregation. The Gideon Syndrome expanded. The Holy Order further improved. During his military service with the U.S. Air Force - 1955-1958 - the entire music industry and its technology had changed, and the sponsorship had moved on as business necessity dictated. There were other records, the founding of Vandor Motion Pictures, PhonoRecords and Music Publishing Group, and his growing responsibilities as Supreme Commandant of the Military Order of Pathfinders (the Mission/Rescue arm of the Anointed of God Assembly) to contend with. A lesser man could not have accomplished it all. In 1970 General Farrell assigned all his business earnings to The Anointed of God PATHFINDERS of Elijah, Incorporated, (the full official name), specifically his foreign recording interests. Those earnings still help to support the Pathfinder's Mission/Rescue Operations world wide. The Pathfinders charitable endeavors consist mainly of those situations where victims fall between the cracks, and local Commanders are authorized to act with what ever resources they may have. Thanks to the Jew Supremacist anti-goyim (anti-gentile) bastards at ASCAP, BMI, SESAC and their puppet Black Robed Bastards, on their bought-and-paid-for United States District Court, Southern District of New York, those resources are a whole lot less than they should be. Over the years the Pathfinders created new and higher General Grade ranks for their awesome leader, culminating in the lifetime appointment of Grand Marshal General. Most people are not aware the Five Star General ranks of U.S. Military and World War II were also lifetime appointments, and subject to recall to active duty at any time. The only exception was General of the Armies Douglas MacCarthur, fired by President Harry Truman on advice of his socialist-stranglehold 'advisers'. Grand Marshal General Bobby Farrell sold all his holdings in Vandor Motion Pictures, Phonorecords and Music Publishing Group not already assigned to The Anointed of God Assembly to Vandor International Trust Foundation, making his beloved Pathfinders the sole beneficiary. (The selling price? Twenty Dollars, which he immediately donated to that Holy Order!) Due to the amount of investment and master recordings licensed and distributed by Vandor Music Group he remains as Chief Consultant, an unpaid position. His fight with the Kak-Jew Racial Supremacist bastards at ASCAP, BMI and SESAC began years ago when an old and very dear friend John Laird, of the famed Renfro Valley Barn Dance, was royally fleeced by SESAC for his composition "Take Me Back To Renfro Valley" that logged air all over the place and according to ASCAP, BMI and later SESAC, didn't pay toilet paper costs. Being managed by a Jew, Horovitz Vermilion Magginess (Howard "BUDDY" Mack!), and Bobby Farrell not being Jewish himself, was then, and still is, a totally unforgivable sin according to the Kak-Jew Racial Supremacist Powers that Be at ASCAP, BMI, SESAC and other such assorted venues. But that made a complete set. Every damned one of them, ASCAP, BMI and SESAC developed and instant case-of-the-ass for the young artist who spoke his mind and called a damned liar and a damned thief by their right name! And that began in the 40s! It continues to this very day. Their plan was - and still is - simple enough: use their Jewish connections to stonewall Bobby Farrell at every turn, defame him at every opportunity, and make damned sure he NEVER received enough money (from them at least) to permit him to take full and open revenge. You can call the lying bastards yet today and get the same set of scenarios. Try it! See for yourself. ASCAP, New York - 212-595-3050, Marilyn Bergman is Chief Thief; --- BMI, New York - 212-586-2000, with Del Bryant as Chief Thief; and --- SESAC, New York, 212-586-3450, where Pat Collins is the Chief Thief. In spite of such thieveries, Recorded Music is still a very lucrative investment. General Farrell currently earns his living from mechanical royalties - since he isn't IN any of the ASCAP, BMI or SESAC "Pay Cliques" - and by presenting hopeful Artists and Producer's products to distributed labels, broadcasters and music users, all over the world. However, he WILL NOT do business with Industry Ignorants or paranoids! If you intend to contact him to represent you to a record company, make sure you read his entire website, linked below, before you stick a typically stupid foot into your very ignorant mouth! He'll tell you to "GO TO HELL!" so fast you'll think you were born there. It has been accurately said of him, "He would tell Jesus Christ to GO TO HELL if the deal wasn't right!" Either everybody gets a fair shake or General Bobby Farrell rejects the project. And be warned, HE IS NOT cheap, just damned successful! You don't like his terms? Don't waste his time. He is a very busy man doing a job most of the well-educated people on this planet can't even understand, and about which the know-it-alls haven't even a clue! Now we can set the stage for that very current soap-opera. It's little known outside the High Priests and General Counsels of the great 'religions' and government power-brokers, but the Spiritual Tribe of all the True and Proven Prophets (especially those who were Anointed Witnesses of their respective Generations) is AKURIA! History shows them to be those Chosen Few who would call both the Kings and corrupt Priests (courts and all) into public account and bat 1,000 in the process! They NEVER falsely accused anybody of anything. Ever. Because if they did, in Judgment: The Most High is going to ASK THEM FIRST! Being on the carpet before The Most High is terrifying enough under the best of conditions - when The Most High is beyond The Great Veil and whoever is on the carpet is being honored - but nobody in their right mind wants to be on that carpet for making The Most High angry! Especially an Akurian. The portion of The Lord's Prayer translated as ... "... and deliver us from evil ..." ... in it's original Hebrew and Aramaic is actually ... "... and deliver us from AKURIA! ..." ... in the sense of - help us to live in such manner that the AKURIANS WILL NOT TESTIFY AGAINST US! And that request is not to be taken lightly. For whosoever The Akurians testify against is Hell Bound and without escape! Don't believe in hell? It's still there, and always will be, whether you 'believe' it, or like it, or not. Make sure you understand: The Akurians are the Spiritual Tribe of the True Prophets of The Most High Lord God of All Creation, The Lord of Spirits, and He alone testifies of their Holy Appointed Commission! That's right! The Most High Himself TESTIFIES to whomever He wants to know - (it's not necessarily 'your' right to know!) - that The Anointed Witness living in that given Generation is indeed the sole and exclusive Authority of God! The Proof of Anointing for each one of the 175 Anointeds is different - but absolute, irrevocable, unquestionable (except by idiot elements!), and consistently verifiable, that those chosen to KNOW DO KNOW and not 'believe'! The exact process of The Great Testimony on behalf of General Bobby Farrell is given in complete detail in "The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned!", available elsewhere on the net. It contains the "HOW TO" for anyone to see both Heaven and Hell WITHOUT DYING; and exposes more scams, conspiracies and High Treasons than most - except the perpetrators - even suspect exist. Remember! The Akurians are the True and Proven Prophets holding The Most High's documented and undisputed Holy Commission! And they were not all Hebrew. King Cyrus, the Anointed of His Generation, was PERSIAN! The Reverend Doctor Lord Grand Marshal General Sir Bobby Farrell claims to be full-blooded West Virginian, but he can trace his lineage all the way back to King David and thus through both the Houses of Ishmael and Isaac. And that is the source of the lying, thieving, Kak-Jew Racial Supremacist bastards at ASCAP's, BMI's and SESAC's references to General Bobby Farrell as "That Damned Akurian!" (Check it for yourself at That Damned Akurian and use the PREVIOUS button to return.) And in his typical laid-back fashion, he wears their petty defamation like a Badge of Honor! And indeed it is. FOR HIS VERY EXISTENCE IS A TESTIMONY AGAINST THEM! And AGAINST everybody else LIKE them, AGAINST everybody else a PARTY to them, and AGAINST everybody else who SUPPORTS them! Specifically, but not limited to: SENATOR ORRIN HATCH (R) IDAHO who is caught in blatant open collusion with Marilyn Bergman, Chair (Chief Thief) at ASCAP! But that's not all! The worst is yet to come! Immanuel (whom the ignorant call "Jesus Christ") taught - Matthew 10:28 and Luke 12:05 - that one should not fear anyone who could only kill the body and then not be able to do anything more - but to FEAR whoever could kill the body and then burn both the body and soul in Hell! And guess 'who' has just that Power and Authority? THE LIVING ANOINTED WITNESS IN EACH AND EVERY GENERATION! And in THIS Generation that is none other than the Reverend Doctor Lord Grand Marshal General Sir Bobby Farrell - First Magnitude Hell Raiser - who makes his living in Recorded Music and Entertainment - founded and built VANDOR MUSIC GROUP - doesn't give a damn 'who' thinks 'what' - calls a spade a spade from the Traitors in the White House to the punks in local office - and does not expound or evangelize His Holy Appointment. He doesn't have to. The Most High does all that is necessary for him! Since that Holy Appointment does not reside in the Kak-Jew Clique Camps of ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, Billboard, Radio & Records, or most other Major Labels, they are all hell bent on defaming and robbing Him who does have that Holy Appointment: TO WIT: General Bobby Farrell and his Vandor Music Group! And so far, with the absolute welded-in-steel support of that thoroughly corrupt United States District Court, Southern District of New York, other assorted Kaks, assholes, pusswillies and god-players-on-government-payroll, they've done a pretty good job. But the Day of Reckoning approaches .... Their defamation attempts against General Farrell and Vandor Music Group are as asinine as they are outright damned lies. They're the first to accuse racism - especially when they're caught practicing it themselves - as they do of General Farrell all the time. But General Farrell is not a racist, white or any other color supremacist, and will not tolerate such either in The Corps or his business dealings! Vandor Music Group has both Black and Jewish Presidents and Producers? It's true, they do! Women too! And the Pathfinders have had women General Officers since June 2nd, 1968, the day General Farrell became Chief of Staff!) And the Day of Reckoning approaches about that too .... However, at ASCAP's, BMI's and SESAC's very worst, they cannot remove, eliminate, or even reduce His Holy Appointment, His Power, or His Authority, one bit! And the Burning Judgment is coming ... Hell itself will collect the debt with full interest ... and THEY are the chief WITNESSES AGAINST THEMSELVES ... to be tried BEFORE THE VERY JUDGE THEY ROBBED ... and that includes everybody who is a party to the crime .... employees, executives, SENATORS ... Judges and all ... past, present and future ... no exceptions, everybody gets to play ... Not only are the Kaks at ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, etcetera, going to be in that Burning Company, they are going to be joined by the Masonic Lodge, Knights of Columbus, all Court Judges, One World Government manipulators and Traitors, International Bankers, all child abusers, politicians, preachers and other liars! And that's just the Start List ... Will YOU be in that doomed number? We certainly hope not. And you thought General Bobby Farrell was just another Beer Joint Baritone .... MUSIC is what he does, The ANOINTED is who he is! No, he does NOT evangelize. He does NOT need to pass-the-plate for 'this ministry' so 'this ministry' can exist to pass-the-plate. He does NOT need a 'crystal palace', 'partners with christ', or any other such con-game antics. He earns his living with his own hands, and EXISTS to WITNESS "of" the deeds and mis-deeds of people, churches and governments alike. He earned the right to that service, and went through hell learning the hard lessons to handle it properly. Beaten nearly to death in a back room by the Richmond, Indiana, City Police Department; railroaded by the Superior Court to cover up the corruption he had inadvertently stumbled into; and incarcerated at Pendleton until he killed enough Masons and Knights of Columbus. Once the body-count was sufficient, they turned him loose - and have tried their best to defame - and re-frame - him ever since. The full account of the railroading and His Anointing is documented in "The ANOINTED, The ELECT, and The DAMNED!" available elsewhere on the Internet. The book contains all the specifics and consistently verifiable absolute proof of His Holy Anointing, Powers of Office, and why Him and not anybody else. YES! YOU CAN TEST IT YOURSELF! It also contains the exact process (as originally taught by Immanuel!) to enter into and return from The Planes of Heaven here and now, while you're still alive, and without dying! Everybody should read a copy. We asked General Bobby Farrell what his bottom line is with respect to the current One World Government situation: "We simply expose their High Treasons, stranglehold tactics and murders to the general public and 'proper authorities' both as a matter of informed defense and A TESTIMONY AGAINST THEM!" We also asked General Bobby Farrell what his bottom line is with respect to the current ASCAP, BMI and SESAC situation: "The lying, thieving Kak-Jew bastards are going to pay Vandor Music Group, Vandor Music Group's people, all the other people they've robbed blind behind the Black Robed Bastards of that God-Damned corrupt United States District Court, Southern District of New York, and ME, on the same basis they pay their god-damned Cliques or I am going to burn the lot of them in the Deepest Firepits of Hell on top of The Curse of Curses of The Anointed I've already infected into their god-damned genes!" And on that one, read the Curse of Noah on Canaan, Genesis 9:25 - look around - and see it you know anybody who still has the full weight of it upon their entire people! You really won't have to look very far. Now you know the reasons behind all of General Bobby Farrell's successes, and the "why" of the way he does business. The "why" he is so right-between-the-eyes in conversation, and yet as unpretentious and down-to-earth as anyone that ever lived. He doesn't HAVE to impress anybody, and he doesn't even try. What you see is what you get; what you hear you can take to the bank; and few there be who have those unquestionable qualifications. Thanks for viewing. ![]() Command Marshal General Dianne C. Budagher, P.K.; Staff Marshal General H. J. Wesselhoeft, P.K.; The Late Staff Marshal General Andrew Hanson, P.K.; Supreme General David B. Schipul, P.K.; The Late Command General David H. Lewis, P.K., The Late Command General Robert Kirk TeSelle, P.K.; The Late Brigadier General Ernie Lee, P.K.; Staff General Rosalind R. Clark, RN, P.K.; Brigadier General Bertha L. Woods, P.K.; Brigadier General Dianne D. Meinke, P.K.; Senior Colonel Kathryn A. Malone, P.K.; Colonel Walter T. Priest, P.K.; Sir Knight John B. Young, 32nd Degree, York Rite, Mason, P.K.; Sir Knight Joseph Thomas, Templar, Knights of Columbus, P.K.; The Late James Little, P.K.; Senator Ellen Lively Steele, (R) New Mexico; The Late Roy Acuff, Grand Ole' Opry; The Late Minnie Pearl, Grand Ole' Opry; The Late Colonel Tom Parker, Music Industry Management Legend; The Late Grampa Jones, Grand Ole' Opry; and hundreds of others ..... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The latest photographs: ![]() ![]() The only six surviving posters, originally in full color and rescued from the print negatives by the Staff of the Fairmont Times. They date from the mid 40s to early 50s. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Akurian Proven Knower Emblem. ![]() The Akurian King's Regimental Patch. ![]() ![]() |
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Since new count began, 22 April 2008.