VANDOR IS: One of the Super Seven (7) General Licensers who promote, distribute, license and manufacture CDs and DVDs world wide. |
VANDOR HAS: World Wide promotion, distribution, licensing and manufacturing. |
VANDOR HAS: World Wide Radio Promotion via our Bobby Farrell International Network (BFIN) with access to over 50,000 Radio Broadcasters! |
VANDOR HAS: World Wide Distribution via Major Chain Stores, Wholesalers and Retail Outlets. We move product in all 220 Countries. |
VANDOR HAS: World Wide Foreign Licensing in all 220 Countries, including sub-publishing for all Fields of Music in all Languages. |
VANDOR HAS: World Wide Manufacturing of all Media Products to produce and deliver CDs and DVDs to every nook and cranny on this planet where there's a demand for it. |
VANDOR HAS: Record Labels and Music Publishers ready to invest in any Executive Producer's Record or Motion Picture Project we will accept. |
VANDOR HAS: Financial Investors ready to review any Project that can present a proven product that is working now! THAT'S RIGHT! Potential Investors to put your Project on the front burners. |
VANDOR HAS: The Knowledge, Expertise, Contacts, Facilities and Access to take your project as far as it can go! |
VANDOR HAS: Open Doors to all Labels, Publishers, Producers, Artists, Songwriters, Agents and Managers who are ready to run with the Big Dogs and still own their Masters and Career. |
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Distributing a Record Label and distributing a Motion Picture are two entirely different things! Even if they do cost about the same. And here are a few things Vandor requires of both: |
Exclusive Rights! We're not interested in bits and pieces. We have to KNOW WHO we're doing business with, WHOSE hands the Project is in - product and all - and that isn't always possible with bits and pieces, especially Foreign Licensers and Distributors. |
Original Sound Tracks! Cover tunes are a problem here too, and 'freebie' zingers usually sound like their value, cheap - and this is a Top Shelf Industry. |
With respect to Motion Pictures and Television Programs, our Artists can and will deliver original and exclusive Sound Tracks - and zingers - for any contracted Project; with the understanding that the Sound Track Album is an exclusive Vandor property and release. |
Original Music! Cover tunes, album or single, cost a lot more to administer. If you're an Artist on your own Label you won't think so, but try keeping records for hundreds of Artists on hundreds of Labels and you'll get the point come payday for that huge staff you wouldn't need otherwise. |
Established Artists doing covers in and album is something we consider on a Project-By-Project basis. An UNestablished artist attempting covers isn't so sound business wise. There are exceptions, but they are very rare. You're better off paying yourself for a flop than paying somebody else for a hit. Crunch the numbers. |
And, Vandor doesn't move until we have the appropriate Letters and Non-Non Agreements signed, sealed and delivered. It's just sound business, and protects everybody involved. |
Estimated costs cannot be presented without some degree of specifics, and Vandor's doors are always open. |
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AT VANDOR: There are no phony 'auditions'! If YOU like the Product, nobody else is qualified to say it will or will not work! Only the Public can decide that - and they have to hear it first. |
AT VANDOR: There is no shopping to get a deal! Those who 'shop' a product in this day and age simply DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE HELL THEY'RE DOING! Vandor has Labels and Publishers ready to pay their share! More details below. |
AT VANDOR: There are no 'shelving' contracts! If we sign a deal we deliver the product. No ifs, no ands, no buts, and no maybes! If we turn the Project down, it's free and clear for you to take anywhere else you want to. |
AT VANDOR: There are no 'controls' over the Artist, Stage Presentation, Image, other compositions; nothing but the record on the table and only the music in it. Period. |
AT VANDOR: There are no collateralized songs! Every contracted song gets paid the same rate whether written by the act or not! |
AT VANDOR: There are no big-me little-you breakdowns! Everybody gets the same mechanicals. If a Product must be budgeted out, everybody gets the same reduced rate. Including Vandor! No exceptions. |
AT VANDOR: Every Project gets the same consideration! And the same contract! There are no separate contracts for different Fields of Music. All VMG contracts whether ExP, Publisher, Distribution, whatever, are exactly the same for ExP, Publisher, Distribution, whatever! No exceptions there, either. |
AT VANDOR: Our ExP and Publisher contracts are on-line for your review. If you can't understand any contract, DON'T SIGN IT! Most contracts are written to keep the lawyers in court where they make all their money. Vandor's contracts are written to equally protect every Party of Signature. |
AT VANDOR: We do things one hell of a lot different than anyone else in the Industry. And because we do things differently, we're the only General Licenser that is debt free! |
The only way you can avoid the horror stories that infect this Best Of All Industries is to avoid all the never-did-work myths, delusions and conartists - including 'attorneys' - that infest it! YOU create YOUR OWN artistry ... YOU produce YOUR OWN Masters ... YOU pay YOUR OWN dues every step of the way ... |
So why the hell can't YOU control any of it? |
THE FACT IS YOU CAN! ALL OF IT! And run with the Big Dogs in the Process! |
You just have to understand that Recorded Music and Entertainment IS A BUSINESS and not some freebie Glory Trip where someone else is going to pay all the bills and then give you all the money! |
(Yes, we get those. In all categories ...) |
Since the Idiot Element won't read beyond 'someone-WILL-finance-my-pipe-dream', those still reading can get on with making the money you deserve in the Investment and Profession you have chosen: ENTERTAINMENT! |
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Regardless of the project, somebody had to pay for it! And whoever that somebody was is the EXECUTIVE PRODUCER! That Executive Producer (ExP) is: 1. The Chief Financial Officer of the Project! And: 2. Has absolute OWNERSHIP of the Masters! And: 3. Has any and all AUTHORITY to do whatever they want with those Masters! Even if that is nothing! |
To OWN your Masters, your Music, your Career, and your Soul - YOU NEED TO BE YOUR OWN EXECUTIVE PRODUCER! |
That's the Bottom Line for everyone who manages to get though the other Major Label doors and hears the well worn phrase, "IF YOU HAVE A MILLION DOLLARS, WE WILL MATCH IT!" And you NEVER hear that from any Vandor Label! And you MUST have a Label! An Artist can't do it all by themselves! |
Somebody MUST bring money to the table, and that FIRST somebody is the EXECUTIVE PRODUCER! The SECOND somebody is the General Licenser – without whose DISTRIBUTION you can throw a record farther than you can sell it. The THIRD and FOURTH somebodies are the LABEL and PUBLISHER who are as critical in their respective roles as everybody else. |
How MUCH or how LITTLE the ExP will sign away in the negotiations depends entirely on HOW MUCH the ExP really KNOWS about Recorded Music as a business, except at Vandor! Virtually all wannabes are still living under the delusion that everything they've heard from every quarter since Day One about this Industry is God, Law and Gospel. And THAT is absolute ignorance. |
How MUCH money the ExP will need - and IN EXCHANGE for WHAT - depends on the nature of the project, Field of Music being the first consideration, potential crossover being the second, and the Artist's talent being dead last! |
Rule Number One is to get your BUSINESS HOUSE in order. Those who have been around a while already have that part in-hand and well-polished; and those who are just starting out need to get that part done in no un-certain terms. |
Rule Number Two is to get your product READY to move! And NOT by dropping your entire budget into it at the outset! |
Rule Number Three is to MARKET TEST your product, unless you already have an established following! That is as simple as uploading the product into the PROMOLIBRARIES and get some indicators as to the commercial acceptability of the product in the current market. |
Rule Number Four is NOT to jackass with that process - hyping and hawking the product - unless you already have that established following and need to get on with selling the product and your Act. You need to know what the groove will do on its own - not how high you can hype it! |
Once you get the kind of action you want out of your release, you need to take every booking in sight that will turn a decent profit! The REAL money is made in the live performances and NOT in the record! |
You just need a good playing record to get the High-Dollar Venues! |
And you need a finished and released album to present to INVESTORS to get the money you need to exploit the product and Career! |
HOW MUCH? Depends on how elaborate your plans are! Extravagance won't work in any business, and certainly won't fly with Investors, but neither will poor-mouth, pipe-dreams, release-and-hope. |
Each Project is different, and has different requirements over and above the fixed procedures and costs. Give The General a call at -- 505-247-4843 -- and get the current situation and rates. If he's busy, leave your name and return phone number TWICE and he'll get back. No ifs, no ands, no buts, and no maybes! He will get back! |
Or you can email - thegeneral@vmgworldwide.com. Be sure to include your telephone number, and he'll call you back on his dime. |
Need to brush up on HOW this Best Of All Industries REALLY works? Find out WHO the major scammers are? Learn WHAT TO AVOID at all costs BEFORE you blow your budget? Get the absolute WHAT TO DO and HOW TO DO IT from those who have DONE IT themselves? |
Click on the Vandor Logo at the top of this page! It's all there, including WHO we're doing things for right now! |
The Staff and Management, Vandor Music Group, Vandor Motion Pictures, VMG World Wide. |
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Since new count began, 22 April 2008.